The Institute has hubs and practice communities in Washington, DC, Toronto, and London.
The Institute, its fellows, and trained allies are undertaking real-world social change projects in multiple global locations.
Multiple research studies have been completed using the Polarities of Democracy as a lens for interpreting findings, and additional studies are underway. This research is international in reach covering studies from California to Nigeria and from London to Bangladesh. Thus, the Polarities of Democracy and polarity approaches are being used globally to achieve democratic solutions answering questions of oppression and marginalization and leveraging democratic values to advance social change.
The Institute hosts a virtual learning community that currently includes colleagues and doctoral students across five continents working to advance healthy, sustainable, and just communities. The Polarities of Democracy approach is being used to help people across disciplines, issues, and boundaries on campuses and in communities—in the classroom, the policy room, and in the boardroom.
Through the Polarities of Democracy alignment with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, the Institute and its partners are working in the areas of ending poverty, increasing health and well-being, reduced inequalities, and creating sustainable cities and communities. Additionally, the Institute has a strong cadre of expertise around the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of peace, justice, and strong institutions, with particular expertise regarding peace and conflict mediation, anti-gun violence, counter-terrorism, intelligence, and sustainable communities.
The Institute formed a strategic alliance with the Center for Social Change at Walden University to apply the Polarity of Democracy theory to research and projects that lead to purposeful action for sustainable positive social change. The collaboration spans doctoral research, dissemination networks, and trans-disciplinary study across colleges and programs including public policy, criminal justice, and social work.
Following the tragic murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police in 2020 and the resultant national outcry calling for a transformation of how we treat Black people in America, the Institute created an Anti-Racism Initiative with three broad components to address the challenges of structural and systemic racism underlying the vast racial disparities and inequities that exist in America.